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Policy and Procedure Development

Policy Development: We will assist you in the development of employee policies, company policies, and quality program and procedure development. Based on government legislative requirements and your company’s cultural needs, we will create policies that are easy and clear for your employees to understand and follow.

Policy and SOP Development: Standard Operating Procedures assist in training new staff, keeping procedures consistent and on track and make it easier for others to step into a position internally when someone is off sick, goes on vacation, or leaves the company suddenly.

Policy development outside of the standard policies required by law, assist businesses in addressing issues such as vacation, sick leave, computer use and other such policies you may wish to address in a written format to keep policies consistent and better understood by the employee. If you have an unwritten policy and the employee does not follow the policy and you let them go, you will have less of a leg to stand on if it is not in writing and they take you to court. Policies also assist the employee in better understanding what your directives are and expectations of them. Make your life as well as your employees easier by putting some of those unwritten rules in writing.

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